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Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week: 11/13/21-11/20/21

Writer's picture: Casey ShawCasey Shaw

As humans, we often find ourselves taking in our surroundings. Whether we are fully conscious of this or not, in some way, shape or form we are. Living in an area where walking is always an option as a form of transportation we see homelessness. Sometimes I think we are unaware of how many homeless people there are around us because we just ignore them and move on. It’s easy to just turn your head or look the other way. The craziest thing about homeless people is that they are just that, PEOPLE. They are someone's daughter or son, someone's spouse or partner, someone's parent or guardian. Homeless people have a whole life outside of sitting in front of your grocery store beginning for a dollar or two.

It’s hard to ask ourselves how we can make an impact on a topic like this. There is a famous quote that says, “You can’t change the world. You can change a person's world. The more people you help, the more worlds you’ve changed.” -Andrew Gifford

This is a great reminder. We find that when we help others it is good for the soul. It helps us in a way to know that there is something out there that we have the ability to change. Homelessness and hunger are things that go overlooked often in our country.

How do we practically have an effect on hunger and homelessness?

Hunger and Homelessness Awareness week is November 13-21, 2021. This is a great place t

o start. The link below will provide a site specifically dedicated to getting people plugged in to volunteering, educating, and donating towards this cause.

Practical Ways to Help:

-Volunteer at your local food pantry.

-Buy someone a meal if you see they are in need, or even just a drink.

-Educate those around you about this need

-Donate items or gifts during the Holiday season


By: Casey Shaw

Marriage and Family Therapy Intern

Jamron Counseling

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