Valentine’s Day can bring up a myriad of emotions including happiness, stress, excite-
ment, anxiety, and more. However, the essence of Valentine’s Day is to celebrate love. This cele-
bration can be with the love of your partner, your family, your friends, and even yourself! But
celebrating yourself, that self love, can be easily overlooked on Valentine’s Day and every other
day of the year. So lets look at Valentine’s Day as a way to spark that self love and self care, re-
gardless of your relationship status. This year, take Valentine’s Day as day to celebrate you!
Here are a few ideas that can fill up your cup and give yourself some self love:
Start your day with thinking about 3 things you are grateful for.
Feed your body food and drinks that nourish it and make it thrive.
Take time for yourself.
Create a self love ritual.
Celebrate your small wins and big wins.
Stop comparing yourself to others.
Listen to your favorite song.
Create a self love mantra or positive affirmation.
Say no to things that aren’t serving you.
Do something you love to do.
Surround yourself with people who you feel good to be with.
Wear your favorite outfit.
Prioritize yourself.
Eat or order food from your favorite restaurant.
End your day with thinking about 3 things that went well.
Although February 14th is coined as the holiday for people in relationships, it’s not lim-
ited to just that. Anyone in any relationship status can celebrate. Remember to recognize all the
love you feel on a daily basis, think about the positives, the people that fill your life with happi-
ness and love, and most importantly, don't forget about your self and your self love. Be kind, un-
derstanding and compassionate to yourself this Valentines Day and the other 364 days of the
By: Michelle Zak
Mental Health Counseling Intern